Customer Model Gallery
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Highly detailed Flat Brake by Adrian
Bowes Outside Broadcast by Peter

7/8 ths Tram By Steve

7/8th Crane on a scratch built wagon by Phil

Large Coal Hoppers by Geoff

Rake of Large Coal Hoppers by Geoff

7/8ths Alpine by Rob

2 Compartment Guards & TPO by Quintin

Steel Box Van by Peter

Vans (Brake, Box, Vegetable & Cattle) by Bob

Alpines (tourists & goods) in the garden by Rob

Fish Van by Peter

Sorting the mail, TPO by Quintin

Alpines: 2 & 1 Comp Balcony & 1 Comp Guards by Phil

Peter's wagons

Sand Hutton Light Railway coach by Phil

Fish Van by Phil

Sand Hutton Light Railway coach by Phil

Darjeeling 1st Generation Carriages by Phil

Darjeeling 1st Generation 2nd/3rd Composite by Phil

Modified hand crane & 1 plank wagon by Quintin.

A TPO converted to a stylish camping coach by Greg

Darjeeling 1st Generation Guard / Luggage Open by Phil

Collection of fish wagons, a birdcage and camping coach by Greg

Highly detailed Cavan & Leitrim Open Cattle by Adrian

Highly detailed Cavan & Leitrim Open Cattle by Adrian

Box Van by Peter
Steel Box Van By Little Birch

Highly detailed Medium & Large Coal Hoppers by Adrian
Chaired Sleeper Wagon by Little Birch

'Kit Bashed' Box Van by Nigel

Birdcage by Adrian

Birdcage by Adrian

Steel Box Van by Nigel

Box Van by Nigel

'Kit Bashed' Steel Box Van by Nigel

Modified Cattle Van by Adrian

Highly detailed Large and Medium Coal Hoppers by Adrain

Highly detailed box wagon by Adrian

Highly detailed Cavan & Leitrim Milk Van by Adrian

Highly detailed Cavan & Leitrim Milk Van by Adrian

Highly detailed weathered and modified crane by Adrian

Highly detailed weathered and modified crane by Adrian

Highly detailed weathered and modified crane by Adrian

Highly detailed Cavan & Leitrim horsebox by Adrian

Highly detailed Cavan & Leitrim horsebox by Adrian

Schull & Skibbereen Tramway & Light Railway Box Van 11s by Adrian

Type A Container by Adrian

TPO converted to a stylish camping coach by Greg

Darjeeling 1st Generation 1st/2nd Open Composite by Phil

Fish Van and Cattle Wagon by Mick

Siphon - Ventilated Bogie Milk Van by Peter

Tralee and Dingle Standard wagons by Craig

Highly detailed Flat Brake by Adrian