Pump Trolley Build
Step 1 Parts & Overview
This working pump trolley requires a small amount of brass rod cutting and can be a little fiddly. The majority of the kit can be dry fitted first. Thick superglue being the best adhesive.
Step 2 Making the Crank
The crank is made of three small sections of brass that need to be cut to length (12, 11 & 8 mm) to which the crank arms are pressed on and lightly glued. Not forgetting to install the loose crank rod in the middle. A jig is provided for ease of construction.
Step 3 Bushings & Gear
Axle bushings can be applied to the frames, outside for the wheels and inside for the crank. The crank bushings will need trimming with a knife at the top of the frame. Two bushings for smooth running are also supplied to the top of the handle frames. The large cog is pushed and glued onto the crank. Once dry the assemblies are ready for dry test fitting.
Step 4 Test Fitting & Then Glue Up
The crank rod can now be pushed through the floor and the crank pushed into the central bushings. The frames tabs can now be pushed into the floor and a test rotation carried out. After fitting one wheel to an axle this can be threaded through the drive end with the small driving cog and lined up. Once happy the small cog can be glued onto the shaft with a small amount of glue making sure that the glue does not wick through the slot onto the large cog..
Step 5 Wheels & Top Frame
The final axle and remaining three wheels can now be added and the model flipped over. The model should now run with the crank rod flopping around. The top frame handle can now be added with the bushings facing inward.
Step 6 Handle & Finishing
The top handle is made of two handle arms and cocktail sticks cut to length as shown. The Crank rode connects at the non drive end using a short length of brass rod (15 mm) with another length (24 mm) for the central pivot. The model now is largely finished. Some extras could be applied, a small articulated figure maybe, a couple of pins so that the model can be towed or some lifting handles.
Note full printed instructions are included in every kit. Example instructions can be found on the How to / Resources page.